Working Group

Economic Support Working Group

Last updated: 26 July 2023


This working group supports the application of economics to develop a robust evidence base which underpins FSA policy development; as well as enhancing our capacity in the application of regulatory and economic analysis to food regulation issues. The working group also provides an effective vehicle for establishing linkages with other organisations and experts, whose expertise is beneficial to achieving FSA outcomes in new and cutting-edge areas of economic research.


The main objectives of the working group are to:

Provide advice and guidance on economic analysis and guidance activities taking place under the management of the Analytics Unit.


  1. review the portfolio of current and planned work, identifying areas/topics where the working group can usefully add value/contribute;
  2. consider what work has already been undertaken in the field of economic research pertaining to relevant areas of food safety policy and identify evidence gaps that can be addressed by further economic research;
  3. provide input to appraisal panels/steering groups for specific projects or initiatives to ensure projects use appropriate economic techniques and analyse wherever applicable, before they are commissioned;
  4. feed into relevant briefings, business cases (economic case), evaluations, risk assessments and impact assessments (where appropriate and time permits).  

Support the economic team keep abreast of economic research activity and developments. Specifically helping to identify:

  1. external project(s) and/or programme(s) which may provide evidence in support of the Agency’s strategic objectives;
  2. developments in empirical analysis approaches and analytical methods, including techniques that are being seen in other areas but have not yet been applied to food safety;
  3. relevant intellectual developments in food system economics


Working group proposition

Economics Working Group Proposition (January 2022) Paper 8.6

The group last updated the wider committee  at the 11th ACSS plenary meeting.  Please see Paper 11.3 of the 11th Open ACSS meeting